Friday, January 25, 2008

Hanging in Here

Well, RobotBoy continues to be absorbed by the opera project. This week, he's been in rehearsals most days from 10:00 or 11:00 until 5:30 or 6:00. We've spent a few nights in the on-site accommodations in order to cut down on the driving, but he's so busy and tired that it's been a real challenge to get him to focus on much schoolwork.

Here's what we've managed to get done this week.

He completed the exam for the last module on Tuesday (and earned a 92% -- yay!). On Wednesday, he made some corrections to previously submitted lessons and started reviewing for the semester exam. He connected with the teacher long enough to get through about half of the oral quiz during his lunch break on Thursday, and they agreed to finish up during the break on Friday. He also did a bit more exam review before rehearsals started on Friday. At this point, it looks like he'll have to do the online portion of the semester exam over the weekend.

History and Literature:
Nothing to speak of, unfortunately. He is supposed to finish Dragon's Gate this week, and I'm hopeful that will happen at some point during our driving. He's just so obsessed with that Garth Nix series, though, that it's extremely difficult to get him to read anything else. (Last time I checked, he was about half-way through Sir Thursday, the fourth book in the series.) He did spend some time with the rest of the cast looking at pictures of rural Maine in 1914. Does that count?

We read the grammar notes on making adjectives from nouns and on hyphens and did the accompanying exercises.

He's slowly working his way through the rest of the Earth's Waters chapter 2 review. He read about arteries, veins and capillaries in the Human Body book and watched a Bill Nye episode about insects. We're also taking advantage of the fact that we're staying in a nature preserve by walking the trails and reading all of the signs about the flora and fauna here.

I left the Secundus activity sheets at home, unfortunately. However, RobotBoy has otherwise prety much kept up. He translated the week's picutre story, read the Roman Report about Saturnalia and did the Latin Roots and both Grasp the Grammar exercises.

He's done pretty well with this, too, probably because it is so well suited to getting done in the car. He did four ejercicios over two pages and is almost caght up for the week.

I think that's about it, in terms of formal academics for the week. We did survive our camping trip last weekend and had a good time, despite rain, unusually cold temperatures (for Florida) and even a tornado warning on Saturday night. One thing to be said for camping with a choir group: The singing around the campfire is unusully good!

RobotBoy had to skip piano, drama and choir this week, and he will likely make it to only two out of his five dance classes. It seems to be worth it, though, since he says working on this project has been pretty close to "heaven."

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